Living Classroom

Living Classroom Education Program
Funded by the Zoological Society of Washington this program is administered by the Cougar Mountain Zoo Education Department for Preschools, Schools Grades K through 12 and other Child or Youth oriented Entities.
In this Program each participating School, Child or Youth Entity can view the Zoo as its very own ‘Living Classroom’ with its own individualized curriculum.
Living Classroom Education Program
Great Program Benefits
- 20% Off Guided Zoo Tours and Lectures*
- 20% Off on Outreach Presentations*
- 50% Off on Special Tiger Tunnel Encounters*
- Free Return Ticket for each Zoo Tour
- Participant; Value $15 – $18 (not applicable to Guided Tours)
- Certificate of ‘Living Classroom’ Membership
- Honor Stand Member Plaque on Display
- Priority Scheduling for Guided Tours, Lectures and Outreach Presentations
*From Standard Rate, Advanced Reservation Required
How to Start
To become a Living Classroom Education Program Participant, contact the Zoo Education Department and submit completed application accompanied by a one time Registration Fee of $45. Upon acceptance into the Program you will receive your Certificate and become eligible to participate in this comprehensive and individualized nature and wildlife program sponsored and funded by the Zoological Society of Washington