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Cougar Mountain Zoo Three Cougars Header


Cougars are an ambush predator, waiting for the optimal moment to strike and capture their prey. They can reach top speeds of 40 mph and hunt ungulates up to 10x their body weight.
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Bengal Tiger

Less than 4,000 tigers remain in the wild, occupying roughly 7% of their historic range.
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Gray Wolf

Gray wolves have a jaw crushing bite force of 406 pounds, which is strong enough to bite through a moose femur.
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Siberian Reindeer

Reindeer have the longest migratory route of any land mammal, with some subspecies traveling upwards of 3,000 miles a year.
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Ring-tailed Lemur

A group of lemurs is known as a “conspiracy” or “troop”. Depending on resources, ring tailed lemurs can have as many as 30 in one troop.
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Black and White Ruffed Lemur

The name “lemur” is derived from the Latin word lemures meaning ‘spirits of the night’.
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Alpacas are the smallest domesticated camelid, with its closest relative being the wild “vicuña” found in South America.
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Swamp Wallaby

The swamp wallaby is typically a solitary species but will group together when foraging around dusk. A group of wallabies is known as a “mob”.
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East African Crowned Crane

Primitive species of crowned cranes date back in the fossil record to the Eocene Epoch (56 to 33.9 million years ago).
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West African Crowned Crane

11 species of crowned cranes once existed in Europe and North America.
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Saurus Cranes

Sarus Crane

Sarus cranes preform spectacular displays of calling in unison and posturing. These include "dancing" movements that are performed both during and outside the breeding season and involve a short series of jumping and bowing movements made as one of the pair circles around the other.
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Blue and Gold Macaw

Macaws have zygodactyl feet, meaning they have two toes facing forward and one facing behind. This configuration of digits help macaws climb trees and grip onto items.
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Green Winged Macaw

Green-winged macaws are sometimes associated with other macaws, especially at clay cliffs, where large numbers will gather to consume exposed mineral deposits.
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Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth macaws live at the edge of tropical moist lowland forest, palm savannas, open dry woodland with gallery forest, and Maurita palm stands. They are currently found in three isolated groups. Central South America, Bolivia, and northern Paraguay.
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Military Macaw

Military macaw feather pattern on their face is unique to each individual; no two have the same pattern.
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Scarlet Macaw

Coloration on the scarlet macaw wings varies depending on what region they reside. Some will have red, blue, and yellow colored feathers while others will have green mixed in.
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emu looking at the camera, beak facing left


Largest flightless bird with the smallest wings. Their wings can reach up to 8 inches long and are considered vestigial since they no longer serve a primary purpose.
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